[14:01] * Alia wants a coconut
[14:01] <Cbc> I'll give you a coconut
[14:01] <Cbc> only coconot
[14:01] <Alia> ....aww...
[14:02] <Alia> I'm going to play a game now.
[14:02] <Alia> bai bai
[14:02] <Alia> for now
[14:02] <Alia> ...
[14:04] <Richmond> come back soon
[14:04] <Cbc> yes
[14:04] <Richmond> lol not really
[14:04] <Cbc> lol coconot
[14:04] <Alia> I haven't left yet
[14:04] <Alia> why not really?
[14:04] <Richmond> please don't go
[14:05] <Alia> whai not?
[14:05] <Richmond> kent
[14:05] <Cbc> ?
[14:05] <Richmond> I believe it's your line
[14:05] <Cbc> because
[14:05] <Cbc> WILL ALWAYS
[14:06] <Richmond> *tear*
[14:06] <Alia> o.O
[14:06] <Richmond> such emotion!
[14:07] <Richmond> rofl
[14:07] <Richmond> [16:06:46] <Alia> Is he...serious?
[14:07] <Cbc> I wasn't talking to her ;[
[14:07] <Richmond> :}
[14:08] <Richmond> I responded with
[14:08] <Richmond> [16:07:29] <Richmond> cbc doesn't joke around, man